How to Put Fitbit Flex in Sleep Mode

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Fitbit Flex is a fitness tracker and also works as sleep tracker. Yes, it can track the way you sleep and how much time you spend awake or restless at night. During sleep mode, when your body is completely at rest and not moving, your Fitbit tracker records that you are asleep. Fitbit Flex is not only a great device to use but also slim, stylish and always by your side.

You might know that your body is not always at rest while sleeping but there are moments when your body is at restless sleep position. So what actually it is? A restless state of sleep indicates that you moved from a very restful position into one involving greater movement, such as turning over in bed. Although it doesn’t mean that you were fully awake or cognizant of your movements, but it may indicate that you were not getting the most restful sleep possible at that time. When your tracker indicates that you are moving so much that restful sleep would not be possible, your sleep graph will indicate that you were awake.

Now a days, Fitbit Flex is really trendy. People used it in order to track their activity throughout the day and monitor the quality of sleep at night. LED lights on the device are used to indicate that how your day is measuring up against your personal goals, motivating you to achieve a more active lifestyle. This device accurately tracks steps taken, calories burned and distance traveled. Additionally, it monitor your progress online with a customizable dashboard equipped with tools, charts and graphs so you can visualize your progress. Along with all these wow features, it is lightweight, durable enough to withstand rain, the shower and your sweatiest workout, and comfortable enough to wear while you sleep.

How to Put Fitbit Flex in Sleep Mode

How to Put Fitbit Flex in Sleep Mode

Below you will find the method, how you can put the Fitbit Flex into sleep mode at night. It is easy and quick, so continue reading.

Steps to put Fitbit Flex in Sleep Mode

Following are the important steps, you have to follow if you want to put your Fitbit Flex device in sleep mode

  • As a first step, wear your Fitbit Flex when you are ready to go to bed. Now tap your Fitbit Flex rapidly for one or two seconds. The Flex should vibrate and show two dimming lights to indicate that you are in sleep mode.
  • While the Flex is in sleep mode, it will not display your goal progress if you double tap it. Instead, the lights will alternate to indicate that it is in sleep mode.
  • After wakeup, tap the Fitbit Flex again for one to two seconds to exit sleep mode. When you access your dashboard, you should be able to see your sleep pattern.

Sensitive or Normal mode

In your device, there are two different modes including sensitive or normal mode. Sensitive mode for extremely detailed sleep reporting while normal mode is used for a more basic idea of your sleep patterns. The normal setting counts significant movements as being awake (such as rolling over) and is appropriate for most users. While the sensitive setting will cause your tracker to record nearly all movements as time spent awake.
Sensitive setting is considered very helpful for users, who are suffering from sleep disorders, or those who wear their tracker somewhere other than the wrist while asleep. If you want to change your setting in the Fitbit app for iOS or Windows 10,then following hints are useful:
go to Account >Advanced Settings > Sleep Sensitivity.


If you are interested to see your sleep history for comparison or whatever then your device has your previous data. Tap the sleep tile on your Fitbit app dashboard and tap any particular day to see details. On the dashboard, click the sleep tile to view your recent sleep data. Be sure to sync your tracker each morning to see last night's sleep stats. Time asleep is calculated by subtracting your time awake or restless from the overall tracked time. Following equation is used to calculate your sleep efficiency:

100 * time asleep / (time asleep + time restless + time awoken during sleep).

If you don't move all night it is possible to get 100% sleep efficiency even if it takes you 20 minutes to fall asleep. That’s why, it is considered not so efficient because if you haven’t moved in over an hour, algorithms assume that sleep has begun, which is confirmed by the length of time your movements are indicative of sleep behavior only. Morning movement tells your tracker that you’re awake. If you’re not moving but not asleep for long periods of time it’s possible for your tracker to falsely record sleep, in which case you can delete the sleep record from your dashboard.

10:42 PM

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