Google TV vs Apple TV: Review of Technology, Features, Spec and Price

Review of technology features, specifications and price of Google TV vs Apple TV is analyzing the tough challenge that Google has been showing to Apple Inc. Television audience is another area where Google aims to target the market that is saturated by the late Steve Job's gang.
That’s right folks! We are talking about the upcoming Google TV vs. Apple TV. Apple surely has the lead over here, but like the smartphones industry, it may get quite tricky. So we take a close look at both these gadgets and try to comprehensively review the technology, features, spec and price of both for you.
Google TV vs Apple TV Technology, Features and Spec Review
Let the Google TV vs Apple TV reviewing games begin, as we take a one on one look at the battle of Google TV vs. Apple TV. In terms of Kit, the Apple TV measures mere 98 x 23 mm x 98mm, meaning that it is almost half the size in comparison to its predecessor. The Apple A4 chip is in the kit, which is a true winner. A wonderful looking streamer! On the other hand, the Google TV may come preinstalled on televisions, which may look cool but can end up having bottlenecks. It will offer the HDTV can and video call application. It is possible that Sony TV as well as Logitech will offer the Google TV with Intel Atom CE4100 processor.In terms of connectivity, the Apple TV is basic, simple, yet purposeful. It includes HDMI, Ethernet, Wi-Fi as well as optical audio. Many of the outdated connectivity have been discontinued, which helped the smaller size and cheaper price tag. It is assumed that Google TV will come with HDMI and Ethernet, but this will not be able to compete with the rival.
Interface of any smart gadget can be a deal maker or a deal breaker. So we take a serious insight into this matter. The Apple TV remote control is quite a midget and has only the most basic of controls. However, the intuitive nature of the remote is spotless. On the other hand the Google TV runs on Android software and uses Google Chrome web browser. You may also be able to enjoy the remote control features of Google TV on the Android powered smartphones. We do believe that the interface would need to develop a lot, while Apple is already there.
Video connect and streaming can be a mixed bad. We know that Apple TV’s video streaming interface is a true winner with the fluency. But, having said this, it should also be noted that Apple is notorious for not supporting many video formats. And this is where we believe Google TV can hit the hardest.
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