How to Get PSN 'Welcome Back Package' Games Freebies
On Twitter a lot of gamers online were wondering about how to get PlayStation Network Welcome Back Package Games Freebies, offered by Sony to its users as compensation to the PSN network breach and consequent outage. You can check the details of the incidence at PSN Status: 80710092 Sony PlayStation Network Down after User Data Hacked.
Now while Sony is working on its region based timeliness to gradually restore back its PlayStation Network all over the world, it has has announced a Free Games compensation Package. The choice of games that can be downloaded free are again region based, mainly offering inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, WipeOut HD, Dead Nation PS3 Free Games.

For PS3 you can get Dead Nation, inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, Super Stardust HD or Wipeout HD and its Fury expansion pack for free. While on PSP you can bag yourself a copy of LittleBigPlanet, ModNation Racers, Pursuit Force or Killzone Liberation.
You've got 30 days to claim your freebies, as the Welcome Back section of the PlayStation Store is disappearing on July 3.
If you get trouble with the Free Games Download Process, to sort it ou, please check out the following section:
Now while Sony is working on its region based timeliness to gradually restore back its PlayStation Network all over the world, it has has announced a Free Games compensation Package. The choice of games that can be downloaded free are again region based, mainly offering inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, WipeOut HD, Dead Nation PS3 Free Games.

For PS3 you can get Dead Nation, inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, Super Stardust HD or Wipeout HD and its Fury expansion pack for free. While on PSP you can bag yourself a copy of LittleBigPlanet, ModNation Racers, Pursuit Force or Killzone Liberation.
How to Get PSN 'Welcome Back Package' Games Freebies
Once the PSN network is restored back in your region, and Welcome Back Package is rolled out, all you need to do is go to the Special Welcome Back Section of the PlayStation Store on PS3 and/or PSP and choose any two titles from avialable choices, for each platform to get for free.But before this, please carefully go through and Follow these Instructions given on the PlayStation Official Blog to make sure you redeem the codes correctly, because the process is a little complex.The Welcome Back section also provides a link to the 30 days of free PlayStation Plus access. The subscription will not auto-renew and just expires when the 30 days has elapsed. Existing Plus subscribers have automatically been credited with 60 days extra on their account and don't need to do anything else.
You've got 30 days to claim your freebies, as the Welcome Back section of the PlayStation Store is disappearing on July 3.
If you get trouble with the Free Games Download Process, to sort it ou, please check out the following section:
Account Management
>> Transaction Management
>> Services List
If anyone had the same problem that I did, I couldn't find littlebigplanet anywhere. And checking services list it wasn't in there. In the services list, click on free game. The one that says remaining: 1, click download, select littlebigplanet, download.